We show respect for all other people and recognise our common humanity.

We ensure all members of our community are treated equitably.

We expect the best from ourselves. We have ambition and will not let ourselves be limited.

We show empathy and kindness to others.

We are prepared to work hard to achieve our dreams.

Academy Uniform

The East Manchester Academy is a place of learning, and we are proud of our distinctive uniform that has been developed in consultation with students and families. We expect our students to wear it smartly at all times in preparation for the professional expectations of the workplace.

A small number of items that form our uniform are branded items which are available to purchase from the providers listed. We do have a limited number of good quality items donated by previous families available for students who might benefit from these. We can also signpost you to organisations that can help and support. Please contact your child’s Student Services Leader by telephoning the academy on 0161 230 8039.

School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. In the past we have spent considerable time working with our students to agree a uniform that they felt proud to wear. Most schools in England have a school uniform or dress code, and other rules on appearance and the Department for Education strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos; ensure students of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of students.

We would like to therefore remind students and families of the Academy’s uniform:

  • House lanyard and TEMA tie. These are provided by school
  • All black footwear. Trainers may be worn but these should be all black. No coloured stripes or soles
  • Coats and scarves off before the door. No coats and scarves inside
  • Black trousers or a ‘pleated’ skirt of school uniform style. Leggings, jeans-type leggings and jogging-type trousers are not permitted. Skirts must be of an appropriate length (maximum 2” above the knee)
  • Plain white shirt or blouse with top button fastened
  • Academy blazer displaying the academy logo
  • There is a school jumper but this is an optional item
  • Subtle makeup is permitted. False eyelashes and nails should be of a natural length and appearance
  • Students’ hair does not form part or our uniform expectations. We expect that long hair should be tied back when working in a science laboratory, pe lessons or technology classroom for health and safety purposes
  • No Jewellery is permitted
  • School bag – this should be large enough to bring your PE kit and fit A4 sized books

If any families need support with uniform please contact the academy and we will be happy to assist.

The Department for Education makes it quite clear that students can be asked to return home briefly in order to comply with the uniform expectations. This is not exclusion, but an authorised absence. However, if the student continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to be sent home to avoid school, or takes longer than is strictly necessary to effect the change, the student’s absence may be counted as unauthorised absence and you may receive a penalty notice warning and fine in relation to that absence. Where non-compliance is persistent the Department of Education does consider exclusion to be an effective response. This is of course something that we wish to avoid and a number of items will be available for students in case of an emergency. Our expectation is that students will change into these items promptly and therefore not jeopardise any loss of learning or additional consequences for failing to comply.

Uniform Suppliers

School uniform can be obtained from:

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
One Education Reading Award Gold logo Manchester United Foundation logo Quality in Careers Standard logo Black History Month Diversity Champion logo Beacon School logo Confederation of School Trusts logo Healthy Schools Manchester 2017/18 Silver Award Secondary Geography Quality Mark 2018-21 School Games Gold Award 2017/2018 logo Association for Physical Education Full Rainbow Flag Award 2021 A Co-operative Trust School