Young Carers

Do You Want to Talk?
Drop in sessions every Monday at lunch time in the Careers Office (1st floor).
What is a Young Carer?
We recognise young carers as children and young people under the age of 18, who provide care to another family member.
Within our support for young carers we consider what tasks they are doing, as well as the impact upon their emotional, physical and social wellbeing. We are aware that the demands of this caring role can sometimes affect a student’s progress.
We Offer
- Half termly meetings offering opportunities for students to highlight any support required
- Regular trips such as ice skating, bowling, cinema trips
- In school events such as cooking, radio skills and gaming
- A chance to get to know other young carers in similar situations
- Links to further information and support organisations
At The East Manchester Academy, we wanted to raise awareness about Young Carers and the impact caring responsibilities can have on a child’s wellbeing and academic success. Our Young Carers felt strongly that other pupils in the school did not recognise what a Young Carer was, and did not understand what challenges Young Carers might face. We decided to collaborate with Media Cubs to create a video that would help educate everyone in our school about Young Carers. The Young Carers involved enjoyed learning new skills on how to film professionally and were courageous in sharing their own personal experiences. The video will be used in our personal development sessions and assemblies to promote understanding and care, as well as help us to identify other Young Cares at TEMA, so we can generate even more support for them.
Contact Details
If you have any questions or want more information please email us:
Alternatively you can phone the main school number: 0161 230 8039