Results 2022 ( Published: 02/11/2022)
As the first cohort to take exams for two years, we are so pleased with how the class of 2022 have performed. Their hard work, alongside that of the whole school, has produced our best results ever.
Key Figures
- Attainment 8 score: 43.9
- Progress 8 score: -0.26
- Percentage achieving strong pass (9-5) in English and maths: 31%
- Percentage achieving standard pass (9-4) in English and maths: 56%
- Percentage achieving 9-7 in English: 25.5%
- Percentage entering EBacc: 34%
- Percentage staying in education or entering employment:89%
- EBacc average point score: 3.69
Look back at our Results 2021, Results 2020 and Results 2019 information.
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.